City Attic Haarlem | Bed and Breakfast

4-Tulips for City Attic Haarlem

City Attic Haarlem in Haarlem was officially classified in May 2018 in the class of four tulips.

This is the second highest quality class of the Dutch classification system for Bed & Breakfasts.

Mystery Guest

City Attic Haarlem received the four tulips after a visit from a mystery guest of Stichting Bed & Breakfast Nederland.
From the report of the mystery guest: “Paul and Priscilla exude energy and love for the B & B. The whole looks tasteful and very luxurious. It is very stylishly decorated. ”

It lacks nothing.

4-Tulpen classificatie voor City Attic Haarlem
Vier tulpen classificatie voor City Attic Haarlem


The Dutch Bed & Breakfast Classification sets minimum quality requirements for participating B & Bs and provides insight into the quality differences. Participating B&B’s are arranged in classes from 1 to 5 tulips.

The classification system is carried out by Stichting Bed & Breakfast Nederland and the check is done through mystery guests.
All classified B & B’s can be found on www.bedandbreakfast.nl and www.bedandbreakfastclassificatie.nl.

“A bed and breakfast with four tulips has an excellent quality level. The interior of the bed and breakfast is luxurious and a great deal of care has been given to the exterior. You can expect high quality with many amenities and excellent service “, according to Stichting Bed & Breakfast Nederland.